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Madison Kids Expo

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I’m pleased to announce that Raynbow Clown and Friends will be exhibiting at the Madison Kids Expo the weekend after next (March 22nd & 23rd) — we’ll be there offering balloon animals and face painting, and may have some rubber chickens and other things available for sale as well 🙂 — hope to see you there!Madison Kids Expo

COAI card

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imageI just received my updated Clowns of America International (COAI) membership card. 🙂COAI card

Head band balloon

Head bands

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Experimenting with head band balloon creations – would you like some at your picnic or special event?Head bands

At the West Towne Mall in Madison, Wisconsin

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A funny thing happened to me on Thursday afternoon – I had some time between 2 appointments, so I went to the food court at the West Towne Mall in Madison, Wisconsin while I waited. Rather than just sit there, I worked on weaving a balloon basket, and a few kids were in the mall, who wandered over and asked for balloons; that was fine, and expected, so I cheerfully made them and passed out business cards.

UnexpectedlyAt the West Towne Mall in Madison, Wisconsin

Young lady holding basket of flowers

Valentine’s Day flowers

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Did you get your flowers for Valentine’s Day this year? If so, congratulations! If not, it’s not too late … and they’ll never need to be watered 🙂

Don’t forget that Raynbow and Friends will gladly make and deliver these for anniversaries, birthdays, and other special events as well.Valentine’s Day flowers

Revamping the web site

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Hello! If you haven’t noticed, I’ve taken a little time this weekend to migrate Raynbow’s website to WordPress — if you have any issues, questions, or suggestions for improvements, please let me know – thank… Revamping the web site

50th Wedding Anniversary

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50th Wedding Anniversary Today, November 15th, I was hired to perform as a clown at a couple’s 50th wedding anniversary.  It was a very nice family, and they had hired me to keep the children… 50th Wedding Anniversary