Easter at Central 2023
I’ll be twisting balloons at the Easter at Central 2023 event this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Central Church Henderson location:
Easter at Central 2023I’ll be twisting balloons at the Easter at Central 2023 event this coming Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Central Church Henderson location:
Easter at Central 2023Fall Fest 2022 is this weekend! On the 15th after the evening service at Central Church, and on the 16th after both services.
Fall Fest 2022Just some quick photos from Central Church’s Spring Jamboree 2022 Day 1. I didn’t have much time for photos, but I also saw a pair of stilt walkers and a juggler. Hopefully I’ll have a chance to talk with them tomorrow.
As far as balloons, there were several unicorns, swords, dogs, and a rainbow. Day 2 of the Jamboree commences after the 10:00 and 12:00 services.
Spring Jamboree 2022 Day 1Spring Jamboree 2022 – For our friends in/near Henderson or Las Vegas, NV – come to Central Church this weekend for their Spring Jamboree! Free food, bounce houses, and balloon animals :). All are welcome.
Spring Jamboree 2022Yesterday afternoon and evening were quite busy! I was asked to provide balloon animals for a Kids Camp event at Central Church in Henderson, Nevada. But we got it all done in time!
Getting ready for the “goodbye to summer” picnic at Lifechurch this morning…
Frolic Parade 2018 First, a big “thank you” to everyone that we saw in the Frolic Parade in Mount Horeb this afternoon. I’ll add photos, later, but I wanted to add a few quick thoughts:… Frolic Parade 2018