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Testimonials Val Thivierge, Trig’s Front End manager

Val Thivierge, Trig’s Front End manager

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Testimonial from Val Thivierge, Trig’s Front End manager, on Easter corporate event

April 22, 2005

To Whom It May Concern,

I had the pleasure of working with Tom Raymond (Raynbow D Clown) on Easter Weekend. Tom was hired to come into our and entertain our customers while they shopped. I found Tom to be very well liked and entertaining to our customers and employees. Tom did an outstanding job with customers of all ages. I would highly recommend Tom; his performance at our store was wonderful. If I get the chance to have Tom come back to our store again I will definitely call him back.

If you have any questions concerning Tom’s performance please feel free to call me anytime.


Val Thivierge

Trig’s Front End Manager
