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Testimonials New Hope Trunk or Treat 2018

New Hope Trunk or Treat 2018

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A nice “thank you” from the New Hope Evangelical Free Church, for the balloon twisting that we did at their Trunk or Treat event:

Dear Tom/Raynbow 🙂

We wanted to extend our sincere thanks for providing balloon twisting for our Trunk or Treat event on October 28.  Because I was very busy greeting our many guests and helping direct other aspects that day, I did not have a chance to spend time seeing you make any of the fun creations the kids enjoyed!!

We truly appreciate your willingness to offer your services and we hope you had as much fun at our event as our guests and volunteers!!

God’s blessings to you!

Michelle Wilson
~ on behalf of New Hope Church and the Trunk or Treat committee

Thank you note from New Hope Church for the 2018 Trunk or Treat event
Thank you note from New Hope Church for the 2018 Trunk or Treat event