Halloween Balloons day 8
Spider web for the Fiskars 2018 Halloween party. Below, you can see it with our friendly spider.
Spider web for the Fiskars 2018 Halloween party. Below, you can see it with our friendly spider.
Getting ready for the Halloween party for the children of the Fiskars’ employees tomorrow afternoon. I was frankly surprised by how many people stopped to say how cute he was …
My mummy said to post this … Yes, the jokes are bad and getting worse. I’m too wrapped up in my work. 🙂
Jack Pumpkinhead 2018 Jack Pumpkinhead, in addition to just being cute, and a nice table centerpiece, is actually a character from one of the “Wizard of Oz” books – “Ozma” And before anyone asks –… Halloween Balloons day 5
This year’s version of Bela the silly vampire, with an updated face. He says to tell you that he’s available for parties …
Day 2 of the Halloween Balloons – I call him “Bela”. This is the sort of simple creation that I do for line work. That means, when I have a line of people waiting, I… Halloween Balloons day 2
A personal favorite – I’m expecting to make more of this little scarecrow in Mount Horeb this weekend at the Fall Festival.
I hope you were able to join us for the Alzheimer’s fundraising event at the Pizza Ranch in Sun Prairie last night. Despite the thunder and lightning, many people showed up – and we’re grateful… Alzheimer’s Fundraiser at Pizza Ranch in Sun Prairie
Here are some photos from Lifechurch Mount Horeb’s farewell to summer picnic: