Butterfly for the birthday girl
For a birthday party in West Bend – the father requested a butterfly and a flower for the birthday girl: And, for the flower:
First reindeer of the season
A simple line work reindeer- no relationship to the deer that hit my car last week 😯
Halloween Balloons day 10
Pumpkin candy cup at Kwik Trip
I dropped off a Pumpkin Candy Cup at the Kwik Trip on Mineral Point Road this morning – and the kind people there were nice enough to feature him on his own table.
Halloween Balloons day 10Evangelical Free Church Trunk or Treat 2018
We were just crazy busy at the Trunk or Treat event at the Evangelical Free Church in Mount Horeb yesterday afternoon – so busy that we only had time to take this single photo. As we… Evangelical Free Church Trunk or Treat 2018
Doudna Elementary Trunk or Treat
This is the “queen of unicorns” that we met at the Doudna Elementary Trunk or Treat on Friday. Our thanks to them for inviting us, and we hope that everyone had a good time!
Fiskars Halloween event 2018
Fiskars Halloween 2018 photos Here are some photos from the Halloween event for the children of the Fiskars employees. My thanks to everyone who attended!