The Jolly Jesters were very busy at the Middleton Block Party on Saturday. It was a fund raising event for the Middleton Fire Department, and things went very well — until the rain broke.
Firefighters demonstrating at the 2019 Middleton Block Party Fire trucks Staff at the fire trucks Fire department giving rides on the lift – notice those dark clouds in the background Bunky at the Kona Ice truck Ella with Jessica the puppet Raynbow twisting balloons Young man with bobble hat Young lady with mermaid Flying mermaid! Young man with lion Young lady with crown – she was excited that it was Ariel Young lady with pink pig Young lady with pet Bouquet of flowers Bunny hat
And then, the storm broke:
Storm outside the tent Dunk tank getting soaked Leading the people to safety Escorted to the fire trucks Driven back to our cars by a firefighter! Daisy, Ella & Raynbow driven to our vehicles – Bunky rode up front