Happy Parents Day
Happy Parents Day 2021 Hey Parents! Parents Day is a day to celebrate YOU and all your do for your kiddos! We know you work hard to give your kids the world, that’s why we… Happy Parents Day
Happy Parents Day 2021 Hey Parents! Parents Day is a day to celebrate YOU and all your do for your kiddos! We know you work hard to give your kids the world, that’s why we… Happy Parents Day
I’ve heard of having a little turkey for Thanksgiving but this is ridiculous!
A busy day … our third year at the Los Dells music festival in Mauston, Wisconsin (stop on by Sunday!) – a large event, where we’re painting faces & twisting balloons in the Kids Zone.
I wanted to take a moment & say “thank you” to the Police Department in Columbus, Wisconsin for having us twist balloons at their annual event again!
Thank you to the folks at St. Francis Xavier who had us twist balloons at the church picnic today. I didn’t have much time to take many photos, but here’s what we we able to:
Saint Francis Xavier Church Picnic 2019Some photos from the balloon twisting at the Good News Lutheran Church Soccer Camp Kickoff last Sunday
This Sunday morning, after the 10:00 service, Lifechurch in Mount Horeb will have their Family Fest church picnic – with free food, face painting, balloon twisting, and fun and games — and you’re invited!