Raynbow and Goofy Grape at church
This morning at church — we didn’t have time to get into clown makeup after church for our visit to the Skaalen nursing home, so … we did it before, and went to church in… Raynbow and Goofy Grape at church
My new light/heavy chest
My new light/heavy chest arrived today — I’ll definitely be using this in my superhero library shows this summer:My new light/heavy chest
2015 Easter celebration at Lifechurch Mount Horeb
Some photos from the 2015 Easter celebration at Lifechurch in Mount Horeb, Wisconsin:2015 Easter celebration at Lifechurch Mount Horeb
Star Wars X-Wing fighter
My first attempt at an X-Wing fighter, for Jacob’s birthday party later today …Star Wars X-Wing fighter
6 hours of balloon twisting at Madison Kids Expo 2015
Tired hands after twisting balloon animals for 6 hours at the Madison Kids expo — a good type of tired.
We’ll be back there tomorrow from 10:00 to 4:00 — hope to see you there!
Getting ready for the Madison Kids Expo
Just received my banner for the Madison Kids Expo — let me know what you think.