Royal Beloit company picnic 2019
We were very happy to entertain at the Royal Beloit company picnic yesteerday in Wausau, Wisconsin:
Royal Beloit company picnic 2019We were very happy to entertain at the Royal Beloit company picnic yesteerday in Wausau, Wisconsin:
Royal Beloit company picnic 2019We’re getting ready for company picnics and clown ministry at a local church this weekend … But before we say farewell to Los Dells, here’s a video of some of the people we were fortunate enough there. We hope to see you all again next year!
A final look at Los Dells 2019It was a busy day at Los Dells yesterday … busy enough that we weren’t able to take as many photos. But for those who are interested:
Los Dells 2019 day 2We were very happy to paint faces, twist balloons, and clown around at the Peace Lutheran Church in Sussex, Wisconsin on Saturday. Thank you for inviting us!
Peace Lutheran Church Picnic 2019I was very busy twisting balloons for 8 hours on Tuesday at the Mount Horeb Culvers for their annual Kids Day:
The Jolly Jesters were very busy at the Middleton Block Party on Saturday. It was a fund raising event for the Middleton Fire Department, and things went very well — until the rain broke. And… Middleton Block Party